Fitting Guide


Please reach out through us so we can support you. Click here to visit our contact page.

To help us track your order, please quote your order reference when you call. If you cannot find your email with your order reference, we should be able to track your order using your personal details.

In the unlikely event where you have placed your order and one or more of the items are unavailable we will credit your payment method for these missing items and email you to advise this has happened.

Once an order has been placed and confirmed you are unable to cancel that order. If you have changed your mind you will need to wait until you receive the order and then follow our returns process.

For more information, click here to visit our Shipping & Returns page.

My Account

Processing: means your order could be at any point between the warehouse receiving it and dispatching your goods.

Dispatched: order has been dispatched from our warehouse.

Credited: Return has been received and is being processed.

Refunded: The returned amount has been refunded to your original payment method. Please note delivery charge will only be refunded in situations where an item is confirmed as faulty.

If you have forgotten the password for your account you can click on the ‘forgot your password’ under the Login button. This will send an email to your email address to reset your password.

Shipping & Returns

Payments & Refunds
